Ninja Alert - Keeping in view the emerging trends and shift of millennials requirement to fast content coverage of the affairs of our economy. We have decided to scrap the cliche "Word of the week" and have decided to bring the classy "Ninja Shorts" which can be accessed here.
Ultra Vires [uhl-truh -vahy-reez] Adverb, adjective Law: beyond the legal power or authority of a corporation, corporate officer, etc. Brief Description: Ultra vires is a Lat...
Coercion [koh-ur-shuhn] Noun The act of using force or intimidation to obtain compliance The act, process or power of coercing Verb (Coercing) To Achieve something by force ...
Rally[ ral-ee ] verb (used with object), ral·lied, ral·ly·ing. to bring into order again; gather and organize or inspire anew to draw or call (persons) together for a comm...
Congruence [kong-groo-uhns, kuhn-groo-, kuhng-] Noun The quality or state of corresponding of agreeing with someone or something. Agreement or harmony. This word is commonly use...
Cartel[ kahr-tel ] Noun: an international syndicate, combine, or trust formed especially to regulate prices and output in some field of business. a coalition of political or special-interest groups havi...
Endeavour [en-dev-er] Verb (used without object) To exert oneself to do or effect something. Make an effort. Strive. Verb (used with object) To attempt. Archaic.&nbs...
Lien [ leen, lee-uhn ] Noun: Law. the legal claim of one person upon the property of another person to secure the payment of a debt or the satisfaction of an obligation. Financial Usag...
Zealous [zel-uh s] Adjective (Zealous) Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time or energy in supporting something that they believe in very strongly. passionately devoted to a purpose. ...
Endow [ en-dou ] verb (used with object) to provide with a permanent fund or source of income:to endow a college. to furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality; equip:Nature has endowed...
Contentment [ kuh n-tent-muh nt ] The state or quality of being satisfied Ease of mind The reason for choosing this word as "Word of the Week" in this pandemic situation...