How can I file and view Form GST PMT-09?
To file and view Form GST PMT-09, perform following steps:
- Access the GST Portal. The GST Home page is displayed. Login to the GST Portal with valid credentials.
- Navigate to Services > Ledgers > Electronic Cash Ledger option.

- Click File GST PMT-09 For Transfer of Amount option.

- Electronic Cash Ledger page is displayed. Under CASH LEDGER BALANCE, Electronic Cash Ledger balance which is available for transfer and preview of updated Electronic Cash Ledger balance is displayed.

- You can transfer any amount of tax, interest, penalty, fee or others to the appropriate tax, interest, penalty, fee or others head under IGST, CGST, SGST/UTGST and Cess. Enter the transfer amount from and transfer amount to details and click SAVE to continue.

- Click YES to proceed the transfer of amount.

- Notice that the details are added under “Processed Records” section and table for Cash Ledger Balance-Available for transfer and Cash Ledger Balance-Preview of Updated Balance is updated. You can add multiple records under Add Record option before clicking PROCEED TO FILE.

Note:You can click the Delete button, to delete any record which has been added under Processed Records table, if required. Once you delete a record, under Processed Records table, table for Cash Ledger Balance-Preview of Updated Balance is updated accordingly. This table will then reflect the Electronic Cash Ledger balance (that will be available with you under different heads) upon filing of Form GST PMT-09 and in this case only available processed records will be given effect by the system for transfer of amount under various heads.

- Select the Verification checkbox and select the Authorised Signatory. Click FILE GST PMT-09.

- Click the FILE WITH DSC or FILE WITH EVC button.

- A confirmation message is displayed that the filing has been successful and ARN is displayed on the screen. Click OK.
Note: After Form GST PMT-09 is filed:
- ARN is generated on successful filing of Form GST PMT-09.
- An SMS and an email is sent to the taxpayer on his registered mobile and email id.
- Electronic Cash ledger will get updated after successful filing of Form GST PMT-09.
- Filed form GST PMT-09 will be available for view/download in PDF format.

- Click the Services > Ledgers > Electronic Cash Ledger > View Filed GST PMT-09 to view filed Form GST PMT-09.

- You can SEARCH the details by entering the ARN NUMBER or DATE.

- The details are displayed. You can click the ARN hyperlink to view the ARN details.

- You can click the DOWNLOAD GST PMT-09(PDF) to download the filed Form GST PMT-09.

Also Read : Form GST PMT-09 - Frequently Asked Questions
Source : GST