CARO 2020 applicability further extended by One Year: MCA

Tushant   December 19, 2020

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MCA vide order dated 17.12.2020 has changed the applicability date of Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 to the financial years commencing on or after the 1st April, 2021.

So, CARO – 2020 will be applicable from FY 2021-22 as against earlier announced applicability date of 1st April 2020.

Consequently auditor's report for FY 2020-21 shall be as per CARO, 2016.



New Delhi, the 17th December, 2020

S.O. 4588(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (11) of section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby makes the following Order further to amend the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020, namely:-

1. Short title, application and commencement. - (1) This Order may be called the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Second Amendment Order, 2020.

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020, in paragraph 2, for the figures, letters and word “1st April, 2020”, the figures, letters and word “1st April, 2021” shall be substituted.

About Author - Tushant

This Article was authored by Tushant a passionate blogger by .
Co-founded Tax Ninja with the aim to serve knowledge digitally.
He's on a valiant quest to share his knowledge of Income Tax and GST.
Life motto : Do my best, so that I can't blame myself for anything

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